Links & Credits

This page will eventually have proper styling. Note for screen readers, a lot of the images on this page are decorative images on their source pages but they have alt text here.

If a source has (?) next to it, that means it is not the original source or I am unsure if it is or not.
"You are here" means this is the source, A.K.A. I made it. Any graphic I made that isn't specific to my own characters is free to use, with or without credit.

Decorative Images

A golden chandelier with candles and hearts dangling from it. This is the decorative graphic at the top of the index page.
hazelwang on Deviantart
A vertical rectangular image of a horrible mass of flesh and teeth and a grimacing face. It's the repeating background for the 404 page.
sadgrl (?)
A square image of crumpled red satin fabric. It's the repeating background image on the index page.
sadgrl (?)
A screenshot stamp of the phrase "...penis...." followed by a sad DeviantArt emoji.
nothinglikeyall on DA (?)
A blinky with purple gay male symbols (two Mars symbols intertwined) with the text "impregnate me" A blinky with the trans flag as a background with the text "future seahorse dad" in black.
made with
Pixel art of golden pillars. This is used as the border for the background on the index page.
you are here
A scrolling pixel background of a purple night sky with constellations and clouds. This is the background on the character list page.

All of the stamps on my site came from Picmix, as did the pregnancy test and "Jam On" blinkies. Unfortunately that site is mainly a repost site and lacks proper credits. The remaining blinkies were found on various other sites around the internet that I do not remember. If you know the source of an uncredited image or if you were the one who made it, please feel free to contact me.


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